209 sledujících


Hi! riiyak here. Thanks for stopping by! This is a family friendly stream, playing mostly Zelda II spedruns. I may occasionally play some other games but Zelda II is my primary speedgame. Sometimes my kids make an appearance and can say some pretty funny stuff. https://streamlabs.com/riiyak

Hi! Thanks for stopping by!

Hi! riiyak here. Thanks for stopping by! This is a family friendly stream, playing mostly Zelda II spedruns. I may occasionally play some other games but Zelda II is my primary speedgame. Sometimes my kids make an appearance and can say some pretty funny stuff. Zelda II @ Speedrun.com: [Leaderboards](https://www.speedrun.com/Zelda_II_The_Adventure_of_Link#100_All_Keys_1CC) Check us out on the Zelda II discord for more info on the game and a lively community.


Stream schedule is a bit in flux at the moment. Will be streaming as available, but it is highly variable on family/work situation.

Chat Ethics

I try to keep my stream family friendly, so please try to avoid foul language if you can. It happens, but please be courteous. You will also see Bible verses on my stream. I am happy to discuss theology and related topics if you like! However, I know some people are sensitive to this so I ask that you PM me if you'd like to strike up a more involved discussion. :)

Contact Me

Feel free to hit me up on Discord, Twitter, or of course Twitch messaging. Twitter: [riiyak_rta](http://twitter.com/riiyak_rta) Discord: Zelda II Speedruns (riiyak) Twitch: (...here) I can provide a link to the Zelda II discord, just ask!