Profile banner for riotheautomator



big fan of coldplay and chris martian. i have crohn's so i will probably talk about poop

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i've been playing video games my whole life and still manage to not be very good at them. hoping you can find some entertainment value in my lack of video game talent and my abundance in being cranky talent. i was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, so you will probably hear me talk about that and shitting a lot because i believe people should be able to talk about their health issues and also poop is funny af i am saving all the money i make from twitch right now to build myself a proper gaming rig. if you want to donate to that, feel free to do that here: "thumbs up" emote created by Blake Rules. Check his music out: Pixel Art Profile Picture made by Erotas_GR
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Twitter- @riotheautomator Instagram - @riotheautomator Discord -
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