Банер на профила за rissawastaken

58 последователи


Mainly streaming our weekly D&D games - Monday nights 6c/7e-10c/11e (ish). Sometimes I'll throw in some World of Warcraft Classic, sometimes some DOTA2, maybe even some VR shenanigans. But mostly just D&D.

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D&D - Mondays 5:30c/6:30e
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Currently Streaming our weekly 4e D&D game!
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#Thank you to all my followers and fellow custom game players. Special thanks go to [Wronchi](https://www.twitch.tv/wronchi), [Samman](https://www.twitch.tv/samman009), and [Deadthing](https://www.twitch.tv/deadthing) for allowing me to mooch off their communities and for having some of the best content on Twitch. Love you guys the way only a totally platonic internet stranger can.
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Tips are ALWAYS appreciated, NEVER expected. I'm not above honoring requests for donations (within reason, terms of service, and the law, of course). Click above to contribute if you have nothing better to do with your hard-earned cash. <3