ritarocketart 的个人资料横幅

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I recently discovered my passion for painting, that was in April 2017. Painting has become the most rewarding hobby I could ever imagine. It has enriched my life. I paint ever day now whatever makes me happy. I think that's what it's ultimately all about.

Support RitaRocketArt

Support Rita by buying paints for yourself with Rita's referral links: [**Rita's Art Supply List**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR1VfaTXV7fbfjRIqAILj8oYlXMfM3_Ay9Ne8NP4yWYaKAX7BwzQCsbSAExt4EtF4fUXzjC1oYPY4WF/pub?embedded=true) Buying art supplies from this list costs you nothing extra but will help support the stream. "Rita's Wishlist" https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/3SPUINV8VUEWV Donate to support the channel! All donations will be spent solely on art supplies and equipment: paint, canvas, and brushes that are needed to stream and paint every night.
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