rngred 프로필 배너

팔로워 17명


Hello everyone! I'm Red. I'm a gamer who enjoys games like Monster Hunter, FFXIV and Okami, as well as most other RPGS. I also like to draw quite a bit! If you enjoy either of those pursuits, I hope you enjoy these streams.

패널 콘텐츠
Games are a huge part of my life so you'll see anything from Flower to Mass Effect on this channel and lots in between. Art is my other passion so you'll see the occasional painting stream in there. Monsters, characters and landscapes are some of my favorite things to draw. I am also a 4+ year DM and player, so expect to see DnD related art streams every once in awhile.
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**Streaming Schedule** *Time is Pacific Standard Time (PST)* Prone to doing random streams at random times when I actually have the time. **Currently Playing:** Mass Effect Legendary Edition on Insanity Difficulty Friday 7:00 PM: Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Insanity Only, Maybe Screaming Sunday at 6:00 PM: The Art Stream - Drawing MM in N7 Armor
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Donations are broken currently! I'll fix the link soon.
패널 콘텐츠
Got any questions or want to see more of what I do? I can also be found at the following sites. [Tumblr](https://rngred.tumblr.com/): I frequently post art from streams here and I'm a nerd so I'm on it fairly often. [Twitter](https://twitter.com/RNG_Red?lang=en): Got a question? Feel free to sling it to me over here as well.