Μπάνερ προφίλ για το κανάλι robyn_plays

1,2 χιλ. ακόλουθοι


Twitch user from January 2015. I just play stuff for fun and meet cool new people, nothing serious. I do lots of chill and variety streams and I am a massive Zelda fan.

Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
Hey! Welcome to my channel. I LOVE Zelda and other old classic games! I play a variety of different games here. I am a streamer from the UK that started up on Twitch in the beginning of 2015. I like to play many different games and to hang out and play with people. **If you like me and my community please follow and come hang out with us some more!** *****
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
**Plans on Streaming:** * Current: Majora's Mask 100% <br> * Mario Galaxy 1&2 * Randomizers! * Souls-likes * Metroidvanias * Drawings * Classic Games * Suggestions? **Finished Games:** * The list of finished games has gotten a little too long so please [click here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kS6DWEpI_zF7rhN7QQH8Lbsmb_u5HxjoVpW6kGwUlms/edit?usp=sharing). *****
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I used both FrankerFaceZ and BTTV for emotes. For those who don't have FrankerFaceZ get it here at: [https://www.frankerfacez.com/](https://www.frankerfacez.com/) or click the Emotes icon above. Any suggestions for more to add are welcome.
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
So, you want my [Amazon.co.uk](https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/17VCPXS0P5VSZ?ref_=wl_share) wish list? Another way you can directly support me.
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
I try to host them when I am off stream, I am likely to be on their channel or was in their channel at some point. * [Brigand](http://twitch.tv/Brigand1851) * [RedAux](http://twitch.tv/redauxpdx) * [therenesance](http://twitch.tv/therenesance) * [Damnitmic](http://twitch.tv/Damnitmic) * [BitRant](http://twitch.tv/BitRant) * [Froster92](http://twitch.tv/Froster92) * [OzzmanThe1st](http://twitch.tv/OzzmanThe1st) * [Zurairofl](http://twitch.tv/Zurairofl) * [Velatoget](http://twitch.tv/Velatoget) * [MelleKilla19 (Melody)](http://twitch.tv/MelleKilla19) * [TNP_PRODUCTIONS](http://twitch.tv/TNP_PRODUCTIONS) * [MephistoLive](http://twitch.tv/MephistoLive) * [Sawfang](http://twitch.tv/Sawfang) * [Thatguyskee](http://twitch.tv/Thatguyskee) * [SquillaKilla](http://twitch.tv/SquillaKilla) **Follow These Awesome People!!** *****
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
**Big thank you to everybody listed below for helping in my earlier days, much love <3** * Nick for giving me WAY too much money and too many games >.> * Brigand for giving me WAY too much money and too many games >.> * Squishkey for gifting me Star Wars BF2! <3 * Dutch_Demon for gifting Batman: Arkham City! * Nicole for gifting Terraria! * Ozzmanthe1st SO much love for Blood Bowl, Darkest Dungeon and much more! <3 * Thanks Bitrant for Freedom Planet AKA Female Sonic, and much more! <3 * Thanks Bailey for Dark Souls 1! * Thanks CrackyCream12 for Brawlhalla and Tales of Zesteria among so many others!! * NaoFox for 199x :D * Fil for Fallout 4 :D * Froster92 for a ton of games including the all mighty XCOM 2 and Warhammer DLC! <3 * Thunderthem for Dark Souls 3! You broke me <3 * Arcscript for giving me too many games :3 * Rimmram for a Christmas gift :D * CluelessWonder42 for Mega Man 11 and various donations :D * And everybody else who has donated so far. <3
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
Should be fixed now. Please don't go overboard, and only donate an amount you are comfortable with. [Click Here](https://streamlabs.com/robyn_plays/tip) or the button. Just remember that donating is entirely up to you and at no point required to do so. **DISCLAIMER - You agree that:** * Anything that you send to Robyn_Plays is legally defined as a **DONATION** and/or **GIFT**. * Said donation(s) and/or gift(s) are **NOT** tips and are **NOT** sent for the exchange of goods and/or services. * By sending donation(s) and/or gift(s), you are affirming that you COMPLETELY AGREE to this disclaimer. * There are **NO REFUNDS!** Any chargeback (reversal) is void under this disclaimer.
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
* Firstly, just have some common sense * Links are fine as long as they aren't harmful or troll links, do say what it is beforehand * If you come here solely with the intention of saying negative things to myself or others just leave * Please don't say any spoilers * Try out Stream Avatars use !commands for a list of useful actions
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