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RoeTaKa streamuje Contractors Showdown, PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS a Dead Space 2.

Obsah panela
Hello, I am Alex Roe! I go by RoeTaKa and usually am called Roe. I am a composer and remixer of video game music, you can check that out in the other panels or type !roe in chat. I stream a variety of games but mostly ones that involve shooting things really fast :D. I sometimes play newer titles but I tend to play games I haven't played in some time. Examples of that are Dead Space 2 and Max Payne 3. I also play a lot of Hitman 2 (or did, depending when you read this!). On occasion I will stream myself writing music in FLStudio. I usually prefer to compose in private but now and then I will try to write something on stream. Thanks for visiting my stream :)
Obsah panela
Please do not backseat or offer hints and tips unless I ask. I know it's nice to be helpful but it really does just ruin the gaming experience when it's not wanted. Anyone who spoils something will be banned, I have a zero tolerance policy on this, you have been warned. Be nice, we have fun here and usually at my expense, but try to realize when it's too much - being a dick constantly is not cool! Also do not get too political or religious, I do not want arguments to arise from those topics.
Obsah panela
I am from the UK so I work on GMT. I don't usually have a fixed routine or schedule, I have a sleep pattern that constantly shifts and I'm a bit of a night owl too. However depending whether I'm busy or just not up for streaming I will stream most nights between the time of 10pm and 4am GMT.
Obsah panela
Clicking the panel above will take you to my Bandcamp page, this is where the majority of my released music is and sales here tend to help me the most. There is also a bunch of free music here too. I allow other streamers to use my remixed game music on their channels and would appreciate a shout out or somewhere linking to my music for doing so. Original music I ask people to contact me at my business email: alexroetaka(@)gmail(.)com (remove brackets). You can also listen to my music by searching Alex Roe on: Spotify, Soundcloud, iTunes, Amazon and Google Play.
Obsah panela
Clicking the panel above will take you to my YouTube channel. I release most of my music here too and is where most of my listeners find my remixed game music. I am mostly known for my orchestral arrangements of music from Fromsoft's games: Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3, and Bloodborne.
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Clicking the panel above will take you to my Twitter. Yeah I use this now and then...follow me :P
Obsah panela
Clicking the panel above will allow you to make a donation through PayPal. I do not request people make donations and encourage people to buy and share my music in the other panels. But if you feel compelled and generous to make a donation then I would appreciate it a lot and you'll know you're helping a self employed composer do better in the world.