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Professional Game Master and lover of all things TTRPGs

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Hey there! I'm DM. I'm a Professional DM for several amazing Tabletop Roleplaying Games. I've been playing D&D since the tender age of 11 (3.5E) and have met plenty of amazing people and told amazing stories along the way. My schedule is erratic but I stream when I can. + **Aes'Taldon: The Beginning [Homebrew] - Every Other Friday 6:30 PM EST** + Click the image to go to Discord
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*Click the Image to be taken to my StartPlaying account to see what games are available to join.* + **What do you mean by 'Professional DM'?** *A Professional Dungeon Master/Game Master is an individual who sets the story, guides the players and facilitates in making amazing stories with you. We are paid for our services and the cost of materials we purchase to better improve your gaming experience.*
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+ This is an 18+ chat. Please keep that in mind when you're interacting. + Do not be rude, vulgar, racist, sexist, or be a bully in any way. This includes disparaging or objectifying the appearance of streamers. + Please do not "backseat game"; let the player make their own decisions. + The only rules that matter are the DM's. + The Mods are here to help. + Do not ask for Mod/Permissions + Do not spam or post links. + Do not self promote. You will be banned + Follow the official Twitch Code of Conduct.
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Magic and mystery continue to shape Aes’ Taldon, a realm of splendor. Aes’Taldon, which has existed without the need for royalty or religion, has been on the edge of magical and technological development for a time, albeit it has been hesitant to begin. Despite the country’s seeming calm, a murmur soon turns into the panicked shouts of people escaping the approaching perils. Located on Penance, the Church of Iron is on a quest to “improve” the world. The Church of Iron is not opposed to using compulsion, pain, and terror to preach its beliefs. Humans are respected unless they are known to shelter or associate with non-human races. As the Supreme Race, changelings are esteemed beyond all others and are highly sought after. Most Changelings are kidnapped by the church and indoctrinated into its principles. The activities of the Church and its Inquisitors have negatively impacted a large number of individuals. Because of the church’s unwavering devotion to its founder, Ars Mallor, many families were torn apart and many lives were lost. Initially, the peace they reached was ambiguous; the aristocratic families were aware that the Church and its Inquisitors would soon begin razing villages in an effort to seize control of the region and force their faith on the local population’s throats. What road will they travel to ensure the peace and continued freedom of Aes’Taldon? >Starring: Dungeon Master | DMDisaster Players | Warwolf_Actual, PolitePolicy, Cthulhuhoop, Paperkilly, RocktheChamp, Dissuance


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Set 50 years before the events of Aes'Taldon: Evil Begets Evil.. our group of ragtag adventurers find themselves in the midst of a brewing inquisition set forth by the Church of Iron all while being pursued by demonic forces looking to bend them to their will. >Starring: Dungeon Master| DMDisaster Players| VikingSasquatch, IrishSpecOps, Vesve, Diesel, Mossy
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Hello Adventurers! Donations are not required but appreciated greatly. Donations are a great way to help improve the stream and upgrade equipment as well as helping me do this full time! Legal: There are no products or services rendered or exchanged for your donations. By donating, you agree to not chargeback/refund any donations made and are the rightful owner of the funds being donated. You are paying for a virtual product and not covered with buyer protection. All donations are final.
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All music on our show is Royalty Free. If you would like to check out the artists, please click the links below: [Serpent Sounds]( + Trailer: Mint Condition by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License --- + Aes'Taldon: Adventure by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | Music promoted by Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) --- + Dark Hollows by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License --- + Gaming: Lullaby by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License + Hymn of the Mountain by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License ---
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