Profile banner for ronyk_gaming



Immersive Gamer | RegimentGG | CSSC member |🎖MilitaryGG

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I'm the hero of a thousand stories. An assassin, a soldier, the slayer of dragons, and a traveler of many worlds. I am a king, conqueror and so much more. I've saved thousands of worlds and have conquered countless more. Who am I you ask? I'm a gamer. Broadcasting mostly open-world, RPG, fighter, adventure, and looter shooters. Streaming mainly on the weekends. PSN: RoNyK (Ro-Nic)
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BE KIND. RESPECT OTHERS. It’s free! No Spamming. No Self Promotion, or posting links. "No Spoilers" and "No Backseat Gaming". No being rude to mods or others in chat. No asking to be Mod, Sub, or VIP. No Racism / Sexism / Personal insults No negativity
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I don’t play games casually. It’s either I’m not interested or play for 16 hours and forget to eat.
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Vault/Archive of past adventures. Nothing epic ever happens in real life. This is why I chose to be a gamer.
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There is much more to life than "work-eat-sleep". Gaming, gaming is the more...
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We can’t change the past; we can only do better... After the respawn.
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If I'm not online, that means I'm either sleeping, dead or both... Please respect my decision.
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Life is a game. Money is how we keep score.