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Lagging through life and video games, wandering around hoping to make it along in life.


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Feel free to donate or tip, it helps a lot with college and other related things. Every little bit helps!


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Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz 1.80 GHz 256 gb SSD 8 gb ram Gaming purposes Shadow and Geforce now, Luna gaming and Xbox Cloud Safe to say I cannot run crysis on my stock laptop

About Me

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20 Filipino He/Him Stream schedule and stream quality are dependent on personal energy and other time constraints. University student in California, majoring in CRJ and IB Alumni. Bit of an average gamer and always looking forward to enjoying the next game. I'm a bit of a history nut and mildly interested in politics, though do try to keep the more serious and controversial related topics out of chat. Streaming Timeline 50 Followers: 7/22/22 70 Followers: TBD 100 Followers: TBD So on so forth