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Đang truyền trực tiếp TP: Dungeon Raiders với 1 người xem

I make Twitch Plays games, currently working on TP: Dungeon Raiders. Have fun and thanks for playing!

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
**Thanks for your support!**
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
# Get your items with !redeem# **1: 50 Talent Points:** [Level 50] | 20,000H | Instantly obtain 50 Talent Points. **(DISABLED)** **2: XP Bonus:** [Level 10] | 10,000H | +20% XP gain for 1 hour. **3: Resource Bonus:** [Level 10] | 10,000H | +20% gold and food gain for 1 hour. More to come in the future!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
**!join:** Join the village. You can choose between 5 classes: + rogue *(!join rogue)* + farmer *(!join farmer)* + warrior *(!join warrior)* + ranger *(!join ranger)* + wizard *(!join wizard)* **!train:** Slowly gain XP. **!mine:** Obtain Gold. **!farm:** Harvest Food. **!rest:** Regenerate Energy and HP (HP costs food). **!guard:** Defend the village against enemy raids. **!raid#:** Fight enemies and get XP, Gold, Honor and Items. You can specify the raid level by adding a number after !raid. *(!raid 10)* **!mystats:** Get a whisper with your current character stats. **!help:** Extended guide of the game. **!quit:** Save your character and leave the village. **Please visit the Official Guide banner to learn more about the game.**
RULES: Please follow these simple rules so everyone can have a good and fair experience. Breaking any of the rules will result in a warning, a timeout, a penalization, or a perma ban, depending on the context. 1 - Behave just like you would in any public space, respect each other and avoid all type of toxic behaviours. 2 - Maximum of 2 accounts per player in the same Campaign. 3 - Bots, scripts, or action automatization of any type are NOT allowed. Have fun and thanks for playing!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
# English: You can purchase TP: Snail Race [here!]( 20 seconds setup; download and start playing! # **[Help](** | **[Skinlist](** # Español: Puedes comprar TP: Snail Race [aquí!]( Tarda menos de 20 segundos en empezar a jugar! # **[Ayuda](** | **[Lista de skins](**