Profile banner for rossmum



I play bad games and I am bad at them

hello i like to play the games

I mostly play simulators, particularly flight sims. My main game is DCS World, though I also play the Il-2 series (old and new). I play ArmA 3 with a group regularly, and play other realism-oriented FPS from time to time. **Regular ArmA mission streams (when applicable) are at:** Sun 1900 GMT, or Mon 0400 AEST (0600 AEDT) **Cheers to Veritech for the animated intro/transition graphic!**

chat rules

**No racism/sexism/etc, 'ironic' or otherwise.** **Profanity is fine**, as is dark humour - just be reasonable. **Don't deliberately antagonise other members.** A little ribbing is okay, but know when to stop. **No spamming for spam's sake.** Memes and emotes are fine within reason, this *is* Twitch. **Don't link illegal shit or malware.** If you're going to link something which could reasonably be expected to offend/gross people out, make sure you actually warn them first. **Probably don't get political,** unless you really, truly want to deal with 15 minutes or more of unabridged red terror from me. I would deeply prefer if Twitch could remain the one place where nothing sets me off. I'm pretty laid back with moderation usually, but I suggest you don't push your luck.

who are you playing arma with?

Panel Content
**345th Separate "Vienna" Guards Airborne Regiment** We're a Soviet/Russian Federation-focused casual realism group, though we often play factions from all over the place outside of our main, persistent campaigns. We prefer a lower-tech approach compared to most, with optics and radios a rarity. We typically muster up about a platoon-strength unit on campaign missions at the moment. Past campaigns have ranged from 1970s alt-hist interventions in European breakaway states to Afghanistan, First Chechnya, and a Syria-inspired 2016 campaign. We try not to take ourselves too seriously, but still keep things relatively organised and authentic. Also we have some pretty dank memes. If you like what you see, join our **[Discord](** You can also contact **[Alac](** or **[Grim](** and express your interest.


I mostly use **[my Youtube channel](** as an archive for past streams these days, although I've also uploaded other stuff over the years.

scuffed streamer improvement fund

**[Streamlabs piggy bank](** Donations are not expected, but definitely welcome. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- **lovely generous people:** az BoatMagee Max_millien AceCombat777 Gneckes McTbone Gilson Flavin Gordo_B Gurne Zwipetune Warphammer Sabreman227 Longhorn Oberst2k DubyaStep OutrageousPom Triplication 104th_Maverick random_internet_driftwood PineAppleKush12 SCREAMINCHEESE conk3rsBFD fraklesdak BenBenBeartrax ...and probably a few dozen others I forgot to add. You're all appreciated <3