Баннер профиля для royalswordiigames

296 фолловеров


Hey everyone, Royal here doing pretty much anything! Building, playing games, or just straight up hanging out. pull up a chair, kick your feet up and relax!

Rules and Schedule

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Schedule: This changes too frequently at this time. will try to be more open in time Rules: 1: Be kind to one another, we are here to relax and have fun! already enough drama in the world without it being here too 2: No disrespecting mods, staff, or others. I mean cmon, they're here to make sure we all have a good time! 3: Don't ask for mod, no posting links, or self promotion, as well as no personal info. If any of these were to happen, I would do so personally (minus the personal info). its for your safety from scams and other threats too, and I will never ask for your info for any reason during stream. Giveaways, may be another story but will be handled accordingly in dms, not chat 4: No sexual images, or trolling. We're here for fun and a good laugh, but if people are being pushed around, or have a d*** in their face, lets be honest, we deal with enough d***s in the world already. We dont need another one here too, and will face automatic time out if it happens. 5: No excessive 'teasing'. Look, I'm with Kat, I dont mind a jab here or there, just don't go overboard. A compliment, a kind message or a little endearment may be fine. But please, I'm taken XD we don't need that drama please 6: Backseat gaming can be ok, but do NOT go overboard. I understand I can be stuck, or need help to get through. Please realize, this is a stream for everyone to play and have fun. NOT to have one person run the entire show. We all wanna have fun here! Proudly owning Kat/Katarina, together for over 6 years, and looking forward to many many more! -Collared and together since 5/10/2016 -Married 1/7/2018 11:00am


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If you would like to donate to help support the channel and help do giveaways and tournaments with you, and the rest of the community, donate here!


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Star Trek: Fleet Command!

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