Баннер профиля для roydragon

144 фолловера


Heya, I'm just started to stream to hang out with friends and talk with chat. I'm a bit of a slow reader but I try my best!


Содержимое панели
Don't feel a need to donate, but if you want to drop a magic doggo some gold I would appreciate it! I want to put the money I make from stream back into the stream, layouts, animations, artwork, etc. so if you want to give abit, I'd love you alot!

Credit and Sources

Model: https://twitter.com/HazeV7 Emotes: https://twitter.com/smlieichi Artists that made art for stream: https://twitter.com/LuxTheUmbreon (in description art) https://twitter.com/thatonefrogxd (banner) Glitch City Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdmQgSx9hi5skERO0k37TphJR78Oc2bij