Imagine de profil pentru rte_studios

182 urmăritori


RTE studios is your gaming community for everything Dnd and beyond! We play mostly Table top RPGs and sometimes Elite Dangerous but we often like to tell a story using the gamescape as a backdrop for the story. So sit back relax and enjoy the show and be empowered to play with your friends!

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1. - RESPECT We know that some people may have different ideas of what this means. However, to be completely clear, our staff will not tolerate any form of harassment by anyone who is a member within this community. Therefore it is your responsibility to make sure you are treating your fellow fans with the upmost respect and dignity you would expect to receive from them. (This goes for staff as well.) we have a ZERO TOLERANCE for any form of misconduct and will not take ignorance for an excuse. You will be asked to leave if you cannot comply with our rules. 2. - NO negative Discussion of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and/or Sexual Orientation that would be deemed as discriminatory We wish to respect you for who you are and we wish everyone to do the same regardless of what you may believe. This means we want this community to be a safe space for everyone. Therefore, anyone who feels it is appropriate to bash, harass and/or make fun of anyone in this community will be permanently banned. 3. - NO HACKING We will not tolerate anyone who uses our community to perform any form of illicit and/or illegal activities. HACKING is a CRIME and therefore will be treated as such. We will not hesitate to contact your ISP and report unethical behavior. 4. - NO ADULT CONTENT This community is a family friendly community and as a result we do not allow any form of adult content within our community (images included). This includes any links, images as well as all forms of communication both typed and/or spoken. 5. - NO MALICIOUS CONTENT ALLOWED We are aware that people like to over share things they might find online. However, we don’t allow you to post links to malicious images, websites and/or downloadable content (EXE files). If you don’t know if it’s safe to share we strongly recommend not sharing it at all. 6. - NO Voice changers permitted on our Discord Server While they can be entertaining, they are also easily abused and therefore not permitted in any of our Discord voice channels. We will mute you and will ask you to disable them if you have them and are using them in a voice channel. If asked again we will revoke your voice channel privileges. 7. - ABSOLUTELY NO LOUD SOUNDS IN VOICE CHANNELS We will mute you for playing anything overly annoying and/or disturbing that users may not appreciate. If asked to stop please stop. Failing to obey other people’s wishes will get you banned for 2 weeks. 8. - Please use channels for their respective purposes. This means don’t talk about elite dangerous in the Minecraft channels. If it’s not related to the channel topic then it should not be discussed. Users will receive 3 warnings from staff before disciplinary action is taken. 9. - NO SPAMMING, WALL OF CAPS or Single Letter Vertical messages. Please keep channels clutter free to the best of your ability and refrain from spamming lines of text, using walls of text and/or emoji. Your messages will be removed and you will be contacted by a mod or staff member about it. After 3 warnings a formal staff action may be taken and you may be muted and have your chat permissions temporarily revoked. 10. - Advertising is Permitted but only if you are a VIP/MVP ranked member. Only fans who hold these ranks are allowed to post their or another persons content (please use our #promotions channel on our Discord) Any person who does not have this tag and posts will be warned and their message removed. Always Ask a staff member before posting so we can screen the links for the community. 11. No begging for Ranks or Admin status. Asking for it will get you kicked or banned. So please do not ask.
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Help us make our shows better by dropping a 1 time donation to help support our content and production value. Your 1 time donation will go towards our show running budget and will greatly reduce operational costs.
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Want to play some games with us? Check out our Steam profile and friend us. Please note that it may take a while for us to respond to the request due to our busy schedules.
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Our Discord community is a thriving and ever growing family of friends and dedicated gamers from all walks of life. We encourage you to hop into the fun and be empowered to meet new people and maybe if you're lucky we might even pop in and hang out with you and other fans!
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Our Youtube channel is where we upload all our shows after they air. So if you missed anything here head over there to watch your favorites as well as our old classics too.
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Did you know? We make our own overlays for all our streams? Do you need an overlay for your Dungeons and Dragons stream? Click the icon above to get started.
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Check out our Facebook page.
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WE have two computers we use for broadcasting our shows. Our 1st is our Main Rig we call Lola. She is a WIndows 10 Enterprise Build. She Has 32 Gigs of DDR4 RAM and over 10TB of hard Drive space for content and games. She's packing a Ryzen 3 x4 CPU and a AMD 580 FX GPU all on a ROG STRIK B450F gaming chipset/motherboard. Our Second RIg is Portable and is a bit older but she goes by Sonia, Sonia is our ROG Tuff Asus Gaming laptop she has undergone some upgrades over the years and packs a beefy 16Gigs of DDR4 eRAM and houses a 250GB SSD as well as a 2TB HDD. She Runs a Intel Core i7 8200 Series chipset and has a Nvidia GTX 1050TI mobile GPU in her. She is only 3 years old but we lover her sill to this day.
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As an avid movie lover and video game fan, I have designed this Channel to demonstrate my work. I play Minecraft with my friends and am working on a servers called Athandra Networks I am a nice person to hang out with when i am not busy with work. As a content creator I tend to do live streaming on my Twitch channel and then edit the videos and upload the edited content here. So I apologize for the lack of live content on my channel. I try to create high quality content and often pay for some of the content I create such as music licenses and video content in some of my newer trailers. Also You may notice i make a lot of trailers. I make most of my edits in PowerPoint where I can fine tune animations and customize things to bring you more unique content with a personal touch. Feel free to like and subscribe to my channel. I do not take donations but may plan to once i graduate from college until then, enjoy!
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If You can and are willing to support us financially, your proceeds go toward everything to help keep the show going from equipment/studio upgrades to new shows and content. Every dime your contribute is never wasted. PLus if You join our Patreon, you can gain access to cool and exciting perks each and every month!
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Even if you cannot commit financially, giving us a Follow or even liking to our channel greatly helps our teams here at our Studios. Thank you for your support and empowering people like you to play!
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We Run Several Series that alternate throughout our busy seasons. Tuesdays: Shadow Force 4 (On Season Break) 1st and 3rd Saturday of the Month: Realms Of Awakened Essence RPG 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month: Shores of Sorrows RPG (Reaching Season 1 Break) 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month: Hero's Core / Worlds of Adventure (Season 1) - Alternates with Shores of Sorrows Please Note: Showings and Air Times are subject to change at any time throughout the season. Please refer to the Schedule Page for complete and accurate details.
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Our Twitter is a buzz of activity and announcements on upcoming streams and show times. fee free to follow us here as we post our go-live announcements here every time we hit the airwaves.