271 последователи


Howdy! I'm Bridget. Or Widget! Whichever you prefer. I'm a 30 year old radical insurrectionary anarchist from Kentucky. This means I want to replace the police with an army of feral rabid catgirls. Or something. For some reason I make Jeff Bezos richer by playing bad video games on this website.

About Me

I'm a transgender, anarcho-transhumanist, America-hating, radical abolitionist and I'm here to give pronouns to your favorite video game and movie characters. I cannot be stopped. [Join my Discord!](https://discord.gg/RSQcRxJ)
Съдържание на панел

Money pit

[Feel free to donate](http://www.ko-fi.com/rustywidget) to support my dream of filling an Olympic swimming pool with spaghetti and letting dolphins swim in it. Don't ask.