Profile banner for ry4n



Once described as a Shit-Tier Roleplayer

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Hi, I'm Ryan! I'm 29, from the United Kingdom. I am formerly a British Police Officer and currently a cowgirl on the internet! I am a roleplay addict and a lover of story-rich games. We also play our fair share of survival and simulator games! I hope you enjoy your stay!
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**What's your Discord?** Join Here - It's a work in progress and nobody is there yet, but a good place to ask questions, make suggestions, or meme out. **How do you change your voice?** I use a GoXLR, it has a pitch and gender change function. That coupled with a bit of acting and bam! **What the fudge is a Jubbly?** The best cold treat. Not sponsored, just addicted... though if you know someone at Mr. Freeze...
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We have a few rules that need to be followed here! 1. **Respect everyone in the chat**, and the people we play with - This includes; trolling, bullying, racism, homophobia. !respect for more info. 2. **No Meta** - Super simple, if it doesn't happen on this channel, or I'm not already talking about it, I don't want to hear about it. !meta for more info. 3. **Keep it upbeat** - you can hate the character, you can hate the decisions, and you are welcome to comment. However constant negativity, whether directed to me or the character, or someone else, brings the vibe down. 4. **Chill out** and enjoy the show - I hope you enjoy your stay here! Suggestions, questions, clips and vods can be shared in the discord! !discord in chat!