Profile banner for s0apy



Welcome to the most BIPOLAR-EMOTIONAL-ROLLERCOASTER stream on twitch! (I play a lot of CS:GO) Also, I am a grill from Sweden. Contact:

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Tips are so appreciated. Please ONLY tip if you have sufficient funds, I want you to take care of yourself first. Remember that tips are never refundable. Scare Alerts: $6.66 $33.33 Sus Alert: $69 Alerts: Cute vibe $1-9 Crab rave $10-19 Ah ahh ahh $20-49 Custom made: $50 Slav King: $51-99 16 Shots: $100+ ($1000 Surprise)
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+ I am A LOT of everything. Screaming, crying, raging, dancing and saying impulsive things are all normal behaviours here. + I love to try most games, my favorite games will always be CS:GO and The Last of Us. + I can get very emotionally overwhelmed. It may seem like overreacting (it often is) but I can't help it due to my mental struggles. I have bipolar disorder, and therefor emotional regulation is harder for me - in both good and bad. Give me a while to calm down and I will usually get back to my happy state again. + The community we have built and the friends I have made here means everything to me. + I dream big and live small. I want to give back to you what you give me, always.
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Swish (Tip): Remember that tips are never refundable.
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>>❤ Top Contributors 1. Fireblaze 2. Anonymous 3. Molnregn 4. Nethrex 5. MrPuncakeJr 6. brui5ealmighty 6. VaffelTV 7. TheIrishPotatoTV 8. sth_tnt 9. IvannaFükyu 10. Xx_UnionJ_xX
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>>❤ Top Contributors 1. brui5ealmighty 2. Nethrex 3. InfamousRip 4. TheIrishPotato 5. JJGT 6. Ghosteez 7. KaiNutSupreme 8. iTzMrVoices 9. Bjornie 10. MashedPotatos