Profile banner for sachelberryfin



I would consider myself an entertainer of sorts, but I am definitely a gamer. I've been blessed to perform as much as I have, due to my pursuit in Music, Acting, and multiple forms of Artsing. In the end, I'm just a chill guy from Texas tryna make some headway on my gaming skills. Give a follow!

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Hello! Thank you so MUCH for checking out my page! My name is actually Chase Gibson, I'm 28 years old, have been playing games and performing since I was a wee lad. I've always been driven with determination, creativity, and a little bit of stubbornness along the way. ENJOY!!!
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ALSO if you like any of the artwork on my page, my guy has some badass designs (especially you streamers), check out my good friend Samsun! Just click on the pic above, and feast your eyes on his stuff!
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If you enjoy my "Spooky Cat" emotes, they were digitally hand crafted by my dear friend Snowprism! Please show some love. Also, if you would like to ask him for a commissioned piece for yourself, just click the Spooky Cat!
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I APPRECIATE EVERY BIT OF CONTRIBUTION! - All of the money that is donated goes directly to upgrading the stream, and living expenses. If you'd like to show some extra love, just click the "Donate" pic above!