Profile banner for saffron_simplicity



You can call me Saff, Saffy, Saffron or my real name Nicky. I'm from good ol' England. I stream a variety of games, mostly rainbow six siege, although what i play is limited by the amount of money it costs.

Amazon Wish List

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This a list of everything that any donations to me will go towards <3

About Me

You can call me Saff, Saffy, Saffron or my real name Nicky. I'm from good ol' England. I stream a variety of games, although what i play is limited by the amount of money it costs.


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I've set my discord up again so be sure to join :D


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Panel Content
Donations are definitely not required but highly appreciated. All money donated goes straight to the stream, whether that is getting a new game or some new equipment to make the stream quality better. I accept donations in GBP.


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Panel Content
All the art on my channel including my emotes, profile picture and banner, were done by the amazing MegiMedia. This pic leads to her twitch, go give her a follow she definitely deserves it <3