Банер на профила за saintisaiah

1,7 хил. последователи


I'm a SoulsBorne streamer with a bit of variety here and there. Currently spending my time doing challenge runs. Because who needs sanity anyway?

Chat Rules

- No racial slurs - No threats of violence - No topics relating to politics or religion - No PC Policing - Don't be a dick Failure to follow these simple rules will result in a ban. Just be nice to one another and have a good time.

Tips / Donate

Tips/donations are appreciated but never required. That being said, if you would like to donate, please [Click Here](https://streamlabs.com/saintisaiah/tip). Please remember that any donations are non-refundable, are done so of your own free will and does not grant special treatment, nor does it allow anyone to be exempt from the rules of the chat.
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