Profile banner for sajie87




The Gift of Giving

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Wanna buy me stuff because all my money goes to paying off student loans? Then have at it!
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Heyooo! Sajie here, your resident streamin', artysy fartsy, gamer. I was raised on action and horror films like Robocop, Friday the 13th, and The Exorcist. I'm also an avid fan of super heroes, comic books, and synth pop. Lastly, raccoons are the best animal. Fight me and get rabies.
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1. Serve the public trust by being kind to everyone. 2. Protect the gaming experience by not giving spoilers or backseat gaming unless I specifically ask for it. 3. Uphold good morals and values by refraining from any forms of bigotry. 4. Any attempt to be a jerk will result in a timeout and/or ban.
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I mostly stream on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays 8PM-ish EST, and possibly a bonus random day during the week!