Profile banner for saltinessgamer



Streaming Fortnite with 1 viewer

Twitch Affiliate | Rural Life is Safer | Family and Friends are the ONLY ones that matter | @saltinessgamer on YouTube / TikTok / X-Twitter

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**Small town Nebraska man. Cat Dad. Twitch Affiliate. Content Creator. Dabble in Graphic Design, Social Media, Golf, and others!**
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**Subscribe and ALL Notifications turned on for Live Streaming Most Days and #SHORTS**
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**See the schedule tab. Also keep notifications on and follow on Twitter to make sure you see a live notification or tweet for going live.**
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**Subscribing to the channel will get you emotes, a nice sub badge next to your name in chat, and more to come! Not required, but greatly appreciated in this stream!**
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**Be Kind.** **Respect Other Humans.** **Listen to the Mod Team.**
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**Donating helps the stream grow in terms of giveaways and hardware/software. This is not a requirement to view the stream. If you donate it is SUPER appreciated!**
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NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME **If you got a microphone and want to have your voice really heard, join my channel. Ever growing with new channels for games, events, etc. Tell your friends!**
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**Panels provided by OWN3D.TV**
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