Profile banner for saltydeergames



Local goblin, cryptid in training. Hi, I'm Salty I'll be your guide though the variety of games that's found here

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Hey, I'm Salty! I offer a sprinkle of sodium in every stream, Come for the variety and stay to get your daily dose! *Age? **29** *Pronouns? **She/Her //They/Them** *Single? **Yes** *Fave pokemon? **Leafeon** *Signs?? **Gemini, Scorpio & Virgo** *Fave Colours? **Pink, Blue and Green** *Wanna know more? **Come chat!**
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*Mountain Standard Time*
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How do we have an Enjoyable Chat for all? Following some simple rules will go a long way: 1-Be respectful to the streamer, mods and other viewers. 2-Do not post gore/porn/extreme imagery. 3-Do not spam or post walls of text. 4-Do not post sexist or racist comments. 5-Do not seek excessive attention from the streamer or chat. Derailing the chat is never a good idea. 6-Do not post a streamer or viewer’s personal info, including your own. If you want to share Info with a friend, use a whisper. “/w username message” Please use common sense about what info you give to strangers and do not share info that is not yours to share. 7-Do not stalk or harass streamers or other viewers. 8-Do not post misinfo on streamers or chat members. 9-If you have an issue with another viewer or a mod, take it to whispers or use the block function. !!! The chat is NOT a place to discuss daily drama, hot-button issues or politics. Nothing will be accomplished from those topics except arguments.
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Each tip helps me not only in life, but to make my stream even better! *TIPS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE*