


sentient garbage

speedrun (but not always speedrun)


###Maristice any%: [46:36]( 100%: [1:08:48]( many hats: [53:23]( ###Albion any%: [1:58:03]( ###Egg of Basan any%: [1:46]( ###Flappy Tobari Highscore: [25728]( ###Gensokyo no Nazo any%: [11:33]( All Characters (Normal): [48:18]( All Characters (Lunatic): [1:35:01]( ###Batman: Arkham Asylum any% hard: [1:52:04]( any% easy: [1:45:31]( masochist% (mostly walking, hard mode): 2:35:32, Hitbox butchered the recording for this :( any% no major skips hard: [1:57:02]( any% no major skips easy: [1:54:16]( ###Lego Batman Hero Story any%: [1:38:54](

Super Hook Girl

###New SHG Extra mode (1.1 no MWG): [6:14'75]( QPIC: [2:27'25]( ###SHG RTA: [2:23 IGT]( TAS: 6859 frames / 1:54'32 RT / 1:49 IGT [With commentary]( [Without commentary]( [Replay download]( ###SHG Gaiden: for Smile Giving Birthday any%: [~6:11 (inc. loads)](


* A [generic savefile backup tool]( to simplify repeated savefile sorting and replacement. * A [game-independent bingo tool]( which allows bingo creation via text files or a built-in editor, while offering customization for graphics and content.