แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ sammileelar

ผู้ติดตาม 3.5K คน


hi! i'm Sam, come say hello 😊

hi there! i'm Sam (Sammi) and I mainly stream SMITE (I am a SMITE partner) & just chatting **come say hi!**
thank you for considering to sub to my channel. feel free to jump in chat and hang out, we **love** new faces 😊 **perks of being a sub:** ✨ ad-free viewing ✨ emotes ✨ sub-badges ✨ no slow mode ✨ guide channel raids ✨ sub-only discord channel ✨ my eternal gratitude
my schedule is subject to change, but it is usually **monday, wednesday, and friday at @ 3 PM PST**
ever wondered if you can buy things for me? probably not, but now it's on your mind! if you're feeling generous, my amazon wishlist is linked above. **click the cloud above to access my Amazon wishlist!**
**Custom PC Build** https://pcpartpicker.com/list/gDV3GL **Keyboard** CORSAIR K100 RBG - thanks ThatsNotItChief7 <3 **Mouse** CORSAIR Harpoon RBG **Webcam** El Gato FaceCam **Mouse Pad** Corsair MM350PRO FBK-Cherry Blossom Gaming Mouse Pad - Extended-XL x1 & Corsair MM700 RGB Extended Cloth Gaming Mouse Pad - thanks CasualJarvis <3
**click the cloud above to access the tip link!** tips are never necessary, but are always appreciated! **heads up!** tips are non-refundable. by tipping, you acknowledge that no goods or services are purchased. ^_^ https://www.nexus.gg/sammileelar