Profile banner for sanchaysquirrel



Art/Variety streamer with a focus on JRPGs and FFXIV. Active military, Theymer

Panel Content
~Art/variety streamer, mostly JRPG games dating around the late 90s, early 2000s. I also like to sing (?!!) but due to most of the music I play not having lyrics, you probably won't hear it that much ~Agender identity, I tend to accept feminine pronouns to keep it simple, but I've been leaning more toward they/them as time passes ~Active military, Navy branch; I might swear on reflex. ~Art style is heavily inspired by webcomics and manga. Some notable artists I take stylistic inspiration from are Dan Shive, Michael "Mookie" Terracciano, Shiro Amano, Hiromu Arakawa, and Bisco Hatori. ~Art streams are mic-free as a rule, but games will usually have commentary. When I'm not super focused and forget to talk.... o.o;;

JRPG Marathon List

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Click the link for the extended list!! ~~ Completed: -Trails in the Sky FC -Trails in the Sky SC In Progress: -Trails in the Sky the 3rd Yet to be Completed (cropped and condensed) -Final Fantasy 1-3 -Atelier Iris 1-3 -Drakengard 1&3 (OPTIONAL: Drakengard 2) -Tales of Phantasia/Symphonia/Symphonia 2

Schedule Details

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~Detailed schedule as follows~ ~Monday - 1700: commission art followed by some silly things or title cards for upcoming marathon games ~Tuesday - 1700: FFXIV Weekly Reset (endgame) ~Wednesday - 1700: JRPG Marathon ~Thursday - 1700: JRPG Marathon ~Friday - 1700: either chill crafting/gathering in FFXIV or another equally chill game ~Saturday - 1930: Mount Farm in FFXIV ~Sunday - No Stream ~Side note: since I have a job in active duty, I will prioritize my work time and recovery time from schedule changes over stream time, but I will definitely notify everyone via Discord and Twitter. Hope to see you!


Panel Content
I stream 100% for fun. Tips are entirely for extra games or equipment and go toward making the sessions that much more enjoyable.


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This is where you can find me most of the time, feel free to drop a DM.


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This is where I place the majority of my finished artwork.