7,3k følgere


Strømmer Castlevania sammen med 124 seere

Speedrunner of various games

About me

Hello! My name is SBDWolf and I'm a speedrunner. I started doing speedruns back in 2015 with Pokémon Red/Blue, but the first game I got really into was Cuphead. Nowadays I run a variety of games! I like to get fairly involved in what I run and commit to longer grinds :) [**Speedrun.com Profile**](https://www.speedrun.com/user/SBDWolf) - You can check out (almost) all the runs I've done here!

Chat rules

1. No racism/misogyny/transphobia/discrimination of any kind; 2. Avoid gross remarks; 3. Talking about polarizing topics such as politics is acceptable, but please remain tactful while doing so; 4. During first playthroughs, I will often not want spoilers or backseating. There will be indication on screen if I don't, otherwise you can assume it's fine; 5. Enjoy!

Commonly asked Questions

- Where the honk are you from? I was born, raised and am currently living in Italy. - How old are you? I was born on the 11th of March 2000. Do the math, or else I'd have to update this every year :) - What does SBD stand for? It stands for "I Need a Bunch of Letters Before my Name". It could also stand for whatever you want to. I don't really mind. - What games are you gonna run in the future? [Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M5Bi7CP223eUmMYiiKBMJk81GCW1uVfapbQk62tcV1k/edit?usp=sharing) is a list of all my current speedgoals, as well as a recap of my previous years!


I have a Discord Server! I'll be posting updates here, as well as when I go live. You can also use my emotes on Discord if you're subscribed to my Twitch channel and you join this server. Click on the panel to join!


If you'd like to make a direct donation, you can follow this link [**here**](https://streamlabs.com/sbdwolf/tip)!