Банер на профила за scarlaac

101 последователи


Mostly suck at all games #nolie .. Never give up, never surrender

Съдържание на панел
I am mediocre at games and have turned to them during the recent 'rona days. Please excuse my mouth, it is a work in progress. I would like to raise some money for Lee Adult Homes who provide assisted living for adults with special needs including my autistic brother Jack. Make fun of me all you want. It's how I THRIVE
Съдържание на панел
Feel free to donate to Lee Adult Homes for housing for adults with special needs. OR Scarlett's candy fund. OR Both. All is appreciated.
Съдържание на панел
- Be excellent to each other - Don't be a dick - Not the biggest fan of the word retard - I'm really burnt out on the song "Dont Stop Believing" so it will be skipped if requested XD
Съдържание на панел
Mon: 8p Weds: 8p Fri: Boar Hat Fridays 6p (Starting May 1st) Featuring: Friends Corner Where I patch in a friend/friends of mine to present a hotly discussed "Would You Rather" question whilst sporting a boar hat. Still very new to this so bear with me.
Съдържание на панел
Music: - Hair Metal - 80s pop - Early 2000s hip hop - Thrash Metal - Blues - Soul - Psych Rock Preeeetttyyy open to anything Movies - Sci-Fi - 80s action - Horror - True Crime Docs - 90s rom coms Candy - Swedish Fish - Jelly Beans - Plain M&Ms - Black licorice - Reeses - Sweet Tart Ropes - Nerd ropes