Profile banner for scarletthellion



I'm an amateur cosplayer, crafter, and nerd. Flailing, failing, but still prevailing.

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Definitely not mandatory, but here are some things that could spruce up my stream room!
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You can find my linktree, which will take you to: +Twitch (but you're already here!) +Twitter +Steam +Cosplay Commission Request Form +Body Paint Event Booking +Merch! +Instagram +Facebook
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Hey there! My name is Scarlett and I am a Cosplayer/Gamer/Artist! I constantly try to improve my skills, so don't be surprised if you come in and see me swearing up a storm... I'm probably frustrated at how bad I am! Achievements: +Viking Legend, April 2021 +RTX panelist, August 2018 +First Commission, December 2017 +Twitch Affiliate, May 2017 +First Stream, October 2016
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I typically Stream on the following days/times: Tues, Thurs 6pm CST. Sat 4pm CST* Keep in mind, schedule is subject to change if life gets in the way. ;) Check the countdown panel above!
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1. Be kind. 2. Reduce backseat gaming. I know i'm not good, and hints are welcome, but most of the time walkthroughs don't help. 3. I'm a cosplayer, playing games 4. Be kind. 5. No racial slurs 6. If your 12 year old cousin wouldn't say it, try not to say it. Limit sex jokes, but swearing is usually ok in moderation. 7. Trolls get banned, first time. Sorry, not sorry.
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Mods: KoobieLove (IRL husband) Regg_22 SkitzoPlays RandomByStanderHere I watch these streamers pretty regularly! Go check them out! 1. [Captain's Mad Hatter Stream]( 2. [forkgirl]( 3. [Crev]( 4. [White Llama Show]( 5. [Regg_22]( 6. [GloSkull]( My VIPS are: 1. [CaptainRetro]( 2. [CrevLM]( 3. [CrimsonKanine]( 4. [Gloskull]( 5. [Realms]( 6. [Regg_22]( 7. [VampricYoda](
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Donations are amazing ways to support the stream, and all donations are used to boost stream equipment, buy games for giveaways, and purchase fabric--for cosplay supplies or the sub wall! All donations are NOT required, but greatly appreciated. However, all donations are final. (No Refunds)