Profile banner for scorchyybc



Streaming Counter-Strike with 1 viewer

I play anything


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Sub Perks!!

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Perks of subscribing to my twitch channel include: - Priority in viewer games, - Able to play in subscriber games which they pick in the discord, - Custom Role in Discord with the name of their choosing. - (More to come)!

Giveaway Rules

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Giveaways are for Milestones and rules will be given on the date of the giveaway announcement.


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Chat Rules

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1) Be Respectful 2) No Discrimination or Racism 3) No Politics 4) That's practically it but can be subjected to change depending on the matter.
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About Me

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I'm 20 years old, I am from Canada,
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All Donations go back towards the stream to make it more pleasing to watch as a viewer! Top Donators All-Time: 1) wap_rl $5 2) Rekt6587 $2.56 3) kik112games $1 4) fevilon $1

Trade Link

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Steam trade link. You can offer a trade, or Donate skins.


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Stream highlights will eventually be uploaded and frag montages.

Steam Profile

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