ผู้ติดตาม 351 คน


Mostly game development.

Check It Game Development

[Follow me on Twitter](https://twitter.com/ScottMichaud) [Browse past videos on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzbHYCqjhfq5o8qgW9Jn_wg) "Check It!" is a turn-based strategy that is derived from Chess. Unlike that classic title, it is played on designed levels that have paths and corridors, even ones that are much larger than 8x8. The entire game will be made on stream, and archived on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzbHYCqjhfq5o8qgW9Jn_wg), so you will be able to see it made from start to finish. Yes, this includes my errors, goofs, and chunks of time spent reading documentation. The stream itself is very casual. You can ask me about the game, ask me about programming, or you can tell me what you had for lunch. It's all in good fun!