Profile banner for scvodarchives



Bringing you the best of Korean StarCraft II esports!

Panel Content
**!anthology** - Link to SC2 Anthology Youtube channel run by Chris Havoc. CHECK IT OUT! **!archivereq** - Form to request VODs to be archived. **!available** - Link to all the VODs archived. **!bracket** or **!liquipedia** - Link to the TeamLiquid wikipedia for the tournament being shown. **!chrome** - Live to the SCVODArchives Helper Chrome Extension **!discord** - Link to the SCVODArchives Discord server. **!donate** - How to donate to the stream. **!download** - Link to the archive download page. **!expansion** - Show the current expansion being played. **!lp** - Search Liquipedia. **Usage**: !lp 2014 proleague **!nextmatch** - Shows the upcoming matches (Potential spoilers). **!nexttournament** - Estimates when the next tournament will start (Potential spoilers). **!playlist** - Current playlist information. **!playlistorder** - The order of tournaments in the playlist. **!timeleft** - Estimated time remaining on the current playlist. **!uptime** - See when the current playlist started. **!whenis** - Check when a player is playing next. Will NOT WORK with GSTL matches. **Usage**: !whenis Parting
Panel Content
This channel was created to showcase Korean StarCraft II through the years. In this archive is every GSL, GSTL (except 1 from 2011), OSL, and SSL season available. They should be run in order through each season 24/7. There are over 14,900 videos (total matches higher) with over 5100 hours of content and more being added. All videos are 720p due to storage restrictions. ## CONTACT: **Website: [](** **Twitter: [@SCVODArchives](** **Email:** ## LINKS: **[SCVODArchives File Browser](** **[SCVODArchives Missing VODs](** Shoutout to @Chris_Havoc for helping find missing VODs and seasons!
Panel Content
## Do you also run the BW channel? (medrybw) No. ## How long has the channel been running? Since April, 2016. After the playlist that is currently running concludes we take a little break for addition of more VODs and maintenance. ## Why is the quality so bad? Some of the VODs are from years before streaming was big so the quality is bad to begin with. On top of that this stream is an encode of an encode. I try to make the quality as high as possible given the above. Complaining in chat about the quality is useless. ##Why is the stream only 720p? As already stated, it is due to storage restrictions. There are nearly 13,000 VODs of SC2 alone. 1080p versions (where available) would require 2x-3x the amount of storage. ## Why are there commercials? There is an automated commercial break for 90 seconds every couple of hours. These commercials generate a small amount to help offset those costs of the stream. Commercials will only be initiated at the start of a new VOD to reduce the likelihood of missing the action. Thank you for your understanding.
Panel Content
These incredible people have donated to help keep this channel running! Show them some love! dust\_42 - $200 Ddrei - $162 d64d64 - $111 Mari11ion - $100 ComradeDad1917 - $100 FoxiiGsk - $80 Gromdown - $60 Mitch - $50 Renttukessu - $50 noobling789 - $50 WolandV - $50 thesnaken - $50 GermanWarbird - $40 starfkr - $33 brenbren - $30 eatfishyyo - $30 nrvstwtch - $25 jhb1 - $24.99 Poppamitch - $20 0x101 - $20 serokell\_jonn - $20 sanctious - $20 adammighty - $20 marathonman - $20 king\_smashington - $20 SCPenguin - $20 jkufguiv - $20 TheKAJG - $15 AlwaysDoubleCheck\_ - $15 Konwhat - $15 DrBazingaSC - $10 Powlee9333 - $10 m\_mattimeo - $10 JonathanVoice - $10 MrTmat - $10 pandatone - $10 SSViny - $10 ch4osmindsc2 - $10 stampede993 - $10 ah - $10 Marko - $10 Tworaxterran - $5.02 NspFancy - €5 downthecrop - $5 Mannekino - $5 veelq\_nexus - $5 MatthewBakke - $5 therex243 - $5 SSGCAIN - $5 Siglolmic - $5 iFail22 - $5 polelum - $5 alanstive - $5 Oddstar - $5 Tirelessethan - $3 fumopetas - $3 RamenEmp1re - $2 omcritzy - $1 VentralSacs - $1 DraconixRURU - $1
Panel Content
If you'd like to tip or donate to the channel to assist in costs for it running it would be greatly appreciated. Hundreds of hours went into collecting, sorting, setting up the stream, and programming the custom bot that runs it all. All contributors are added to the Wall of Fame. **[Paypal or CC](** **[Crypto](**