Profile banner for secretservicecat



I feel like my name does a decent job of explaining things, but if you have further questions feel free to ask. Depending on the question I'll need to check your security clearance and need-to-know, and also the clearances and need-to-know of those present before answering. I hope you understand.


LOL There is no schedule. We just make shit up as we go, and we don't go very often.


Panel Content
If you think I'm super neat and hate giving money to Twitch you can toss a couple coins to this cool cat on Throne.


FFS do people even read these anymore? 1. Don't say anything in chat that violates ToS (should go without saying but people are idiots). 2. Ask to post links. If you don't my mods will likely time you out and then you can try again the right way. 3. Don't backseat game. It's super annoying and doesn't make you seem any cooler for knowing everything about the game. If you want to talk finer points of strategy and such I'm down. 4. Banter and good-natured shit talking are generally ok, but don't start in if you don't want to be on the receiving end and maybe hold off all together until I've gotten to know you a bit. Otherwise you come off as more of an asshat and we ban those here.