
Hello Sirs & Ma'ams. Addicted to Dota 2 :}}

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** Mostly retired :') #seniorcitizen #imtoooldforthisshinanagan ###DOTA AKA RICEFARM * Played since '06 * POSITION 1 ONLY. > All hero is ricer in my hands.
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[DotaBuff](http://www.dotabuff.com/players/72237015)/[DotaMax](http://dotamax.com/player/detail/72237015/) "*OMG PLS SHOW YOUR TITS*" Okay, okay. [**HERE!**](http://tinyurl.com/2dat5kt) #Chat Rules * ENGLISH ONLY; NO SPAMMING; NO RUDE BS * Unlike while I'm driving, in Doto, I will allow some backseat DOTO : D * Character/Item/Skilling suggestions will be taken into consideration * I am not very good, so I do appreciate constructive criticism :)) (READ: that means no Rude Hateraging)


[Feed Sei](http://treatstream.com/t/treat/seipk) [Steam Trade](http://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=72237015&token=HbUXVB51) [TipJar](https://streamlabs.com/seipk) #Best Support NA <3 COMMENTS PLS (1) RuRu best asian female NA sapport ##SUGGESTIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME :) * You can send me a msg if it's super involved :}}