Profile banner for seishundays



mehehehe i'm just a sheep 🌸🌸🌸 sometimes i stream

Hewwo (人*´▽`*)

Panel Content
☁️ 🐏 I'm yunyun, a sheep of the zodiacs and part of [@garden_circle](! I love boba milk tea!!! (ㆁωㆁ///)🌸 Sometimes I stream art but mostly games! Check [twitter]( for any updates & surprise streams! im not very good at pronouncing things please be gentle when i butcher words ; m;

Garden Circle Collabs

Panel Content
### >Wednesdays there is a chance that we play Mah Jong Soul friendlies with chat at !gc mouse [Izumi]('s channel 🐭🀄️


### > [png art & design || sakyunyu]( > [overlay designs || corimon]( > [alert illustration || PumPuririn]( > [tea break illustration || andhrlfn]( >[sheep sub badges || Shoyukia]( ### starting soon > [illustration || otsukimi_ya]( [music || ♪ Piki - A New Day]( ### ending stream > [illustration || tkantkmn]( [music || ♪ Piki - Good Night]( ### stinger > [transition || sozaiyairis](


### >!gc !sheep !socials !discord !throne !games

Games Archive

###2022/11/28 - 2024/11/23 >Xenosaga Episode I with [Zoanthia]( ###2023/12/01 - TBC >Pokemon Scarlet & Violet with [Izumi](