Profile banner for sernerdthethird



I'm just here for a good time

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I'm a dude from Scotland, no I don't sound scottish, yes I suck at games lol GOALS 2021 100 Subscribers 50 Average Viewers
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**Mon** - 1930 - 2100 GMT **Tue** - Off **Wed** - 1930 - 2100 GMT **Thu** - Off **Fri** - 1930 - 2100 GMT **Sat** - 1845 - END EX **Sun** - Off
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Donations are in no way, shape, or form expected from my viewers, but all proceeds go back into the stream. The more donations, the better the stream! *Please note that all donations are non-refundable and will not be returned under any circumstances. Refusal to admit this will result in warnings.*
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Some Rules: - Be nice to others - Do not be a dick - Do not harass my VIP's or Moderators. - Make sure to notify me when I screw up
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