512 follower


Seyeght esegue lo streaming di Gnomoria.

Contenuto riquadro
I am a variety streamer, I play all sorts of games on my PC, I dabble in creative, I do what feels right for that night. Most importantly I try to take care of myself and stream when I can. You will probably see the following on this channel: Creative Crochet of lace doilies, Minecraft, Factorio, PUBG, or whatever strikes my fancy.
Contenuto riquadro
The content on this stream is intended for audiences 18+. I don't care your physical age, if you can't be classy and mature then please move on. That being said, there are a few other things that I don't tolerate: Hate Speech Politics Other languages (I dont even speak good English) Anyone I trust enough to give a sword has my full authority and trust and I WILL ALWAYS back their decisions in that moment. If you feel their decision was too harsh then during a stream is NOT the time to discuss it.
Contenuto riquadro
You can find me just about everywhere on the internet as Seyeght, so even if it isn't listed here there is a good chances that I probably use that site and that it is me... [Twitter](https://twitter.com/seyeght) <- Best place to reach me.
Contenuto riquadro
I have searched for a long time for a company that I feel comfortable not only using myself but also suggesting to others. [FadeHost](https://www.fadehost.com/billing/aff.php?aff=1201) has consistently the best prices, even before you apply their **recurring** coupons. MAY25 (25% off) and HOL2016 (30% off)
Contenuto riquadro
Want to know what hardware I am using, or what I paid for it? All that information can be found [HERE](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Seyeght/saved/CPFt6h)
Contenuto riquadro
I use the Pretzel music player for all audio on my stream. It offers copywrite free music specifically designed for use by streamers. I do not take song requests.
Contenuto riquadro
100% of all artwork used on this stream was designed and created by the talented Lady_hepatica, please make sure to go check her out over at: http://twitch.tv/lady_hepatica