Банер на профила за sgtngo

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Retired Army Sargeant, I deployed back in 2004. 4 grenades later I have a head injury and had to learn how to do everything all over again. I have returned to streaming. When not streaming I am making Tiktoks. Follow my insta for pics and tiktok for laughs

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Deployed March 2004 and injured August 5th 2004. Out on a foot patrol. The first grenade landed between one of my battle buddies legs. They say that I pushed him out of the way of that grenade and took the blast for him. Second Grenade landed 2 feet away from my skull. Ended up shattering the left side of my skull. Third grenade landed near my feet as my team leader was pulling me to safety. The fourth and final grenade landed near my team leader and I. He covered me from the blast. From that I have a Traumatic brain injury, PTSD, Seizures among other things. I spent 3 months in the hospital learning how to do everything all over again. Got my Sgt Stripes the day I got out in August 2006. When I am not streaming I am spending time with my GF Scootpod. Along with the horses. Things I have done to honor my hero SSG Prater. Had a song made for him Ripples. Had a golden dog tag put on a Star in Cape Coral Florida. I not only stream to tell my story but to tell his. I have golfed in numerous tournaments all over the US and told his story. I have gotten a tattoo in his honor a Valkyrie. She chooses heroes to take them to Valhalla (heaven). A thing that I will do is have his song played on the Radio.
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So far this song has saved a 9 teenagers and 13 adults lives from suicide and depression. Me being one of the adults I am going to take it to radio stations to have them play on the radio. I will continue to honor my team leader SSG Prater.
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Just click the link. I have been told that you can see the emotions rather than reading them.
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Snacks are good... Lol
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