Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho sh0wtig3r

5 N người theo dõi


When you enter my stream you can expect a loud bubbly personality, a strong team of mods who constantly harass me with love, and a warm welcoming community.

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#Hey guys - I'm sh0wtig3r! I'm a horror streamer from the US of A. I am a loud chaotic person who talks about buttholes, sings terribly and gets distracted way too easily! Take a peak at my [Media Kit](! #About Me: + Started streaming on twitch 11/3/18 and became affiliate 11/18/18 + Level 29 of Life + I have 4 fur babies - 2 cats and 2 dogs + Enjoys listening to today's hits + Went to Cosmetology School + Disney Obsessed + Most importantly **hates** being told what to do
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+ Emotes + Sub only Discord Channels + Ad Free Viewing + Sub Movie/Game Nights + 9 Month Twitch Sticker in Memory Book + Support your favorite streamer
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By clicking this donation tab, you are agreeing/understand that there is no service being provided other than the free content you are currently viewing and that if you donate it's YOUR decision. You are also agreeing that you are the rightful owner of the funds being donated. Please note that all donations and tips are FINAL and NON REFUNDABLE. #Special Bit Alerts; + 69 - Steve + 150 - Scream + 169 - Suck My D + 200 - Bang + 250 - Jumpscare + 333 - Knock + 386 - Eddie #Special Sub Alerts; + 3 gifted + 5 gifted + 10 gifted
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
+ **Dixper Partner:** *11/30/2021* + **Stream Raiders Affiliate:** *11/3/2022* + **1st DBD Tourney Win - 2v1 Huntress Tourney, hosted by Daddy_Megan:** *12/4/22* + **DBD Tourney Win - Team Tourney, hosted by TinkerJell:** *12/10/22* #Follow Goals; + 4500 follows M̶e̶t̶ 2̶/4̶/2̶3̶ + 5000 follows #Sh0w still owes; + Nea Cosplay + Cosplay Anime Maid + Trickster Cosplay
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Click to find a list of games we have completed together in The Tigers Den!
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Click that cute little socials button and have access to all socials that Sh0wtig3r uses ♥
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