391 obserwujących


Shamanomaly streamuje The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe.

Zawartość panelu
Call me Sham or Shama, it'll make it easier for you, me, and everybody. I have ADHD meaning I get distracted easily and may miss some things. If I miss your message, and/or forget to finish a story or something I was saying. Please remind me by either @'ing me or using the "Highlight my message" which is a low cost point spend for a reason.
Zawartość panelu
Seriously just be a decent person, there's no need for anything hateful or over the top
Zawartość panelu
Join my Discord server by clicking the banner. It's a discord, it bloops sometimes and there's some people in it.
Zawartość panelu
Probably shouldn't do that, but it's here