Profile banner for shan3yboy



shan3yboy streams Minecraft.

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**Hey! I'm Shane!** Part Time affiliate streamer from the UK coming at you with a variety of games and fun times! If it's your first time here drop a hello in chat and hang out with me!
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**Rules and such:** + **Treat everybody with kindness and respect** + **No politics** + **No matter how beautiful I am, I'm a taken man. calm down ladies** + Go get your snacks and **have fun!**
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**Wanna join the Shan-Fam?** Click the banner above to join our official Discord server!
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**Miss the old content?** Click the banner above to check out the ShaneTrain69 YouTube channel!
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**Socials:** [Youtube]( [Instagram](
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**Click the banner above to donate!** Every donation/bit/sub goes back into the channel to improve the experience and quality for you guys :)