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Hello There, my name is Shane and I'm 21 years old. I'm Currently streaming Dead by Daylight and having a blast. Don't be afraid to stop by and chat! Entertaining people and making them laugh is all I care about in this world tbh

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Hey all, My name is Shane and I'm just some idiot that enjoys getting killed in DBD just a lil too much. Nah but for real I love playing video games and meeting new people! So yeah that's basically it... FAQ: Q: How long have you been streaming? A: Since February 1st 2021! Q: How old are you? A: 20...I think Q: Is your name really Kevin? A:'s Shane Q: Is your name really Shannon? A: NO...IT'S SHANE Q: What do you play on? A: PS5..but I recently got a PC :) Q: Favorite game? A: Dead by Daylight...Jk It's Red Dead 2 Q: Favorite Show? A: Always Sunny/ Game of Thrones Q: Favorite food? A: Milk Steak
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As of January 2022...I don't have a consistent schedule :( BUT...when I do go live it's usually any time around 10-1130 PM :)
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Chat Rules: - No racism, homophobia, bullying, slurs or sexist comments allowed. You will be banned. - Any spread of hate/saltiness will result in an instant ban. - Any unnecessary hate directed towards a moderator/anyone in chat will result in a ban. - Try to refrain from self promoting (join the discord for that!) - Try to limit the NSFW comments. Just don't be a literally just be nice and you'll be fine. HOW HARD CAN IT BE.
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Check out my Youtube!
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Join our DBD discord!
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Hidden sound bits: 💯 = NEW 11 bits: HELLO THERE ( Obi Wan) 12 bits: GENERAL KENOBI (Grievous)\ 13 bits: Preston 🤓 "UH ACTUALLY" 💯 14 bits: Preston 🤓 "let's see" 💯 15 bits: WELCOME TO OHIO (Sceach) 16 bits: Shane singing (dont redeem) 17 bits: BOO BOO KEYS 18 bits: Logan Doe: "Little guy" 20 bits: HAIIIII KEVIN 21 bits: Pretty good job so far 22 bits: MYERS STUN NOISE 23 bits: KEVIN IS BACK 24 bits: Preston speech 25 bits: evil laugh 26 bits: Billy stun noises 27 bits: HOLLYYY SH*TTT 28 bits: Fine, I'll do it myself 29 bits: Jerp rage 💯 30 bits: evil snarl 32 bits: Oh brother, THIS GUY STINKS! 35 bits: death scream 36 bits: WHATT? NOO DUDEEEE 💯 38 bits: circus/clown music 39 bits: LOUD snoring 40 bits: evil laugh (enhanced) 41 bits: Sceach..noises? (we're unsure) 42 bits: CRAB RAVE 46 bits: Reveal sound 47 bits: CHRISSY WAKE UP!! 48 bits: Logan Doe "RELAXXX" 50 bits: YOU SUCK CHANT 53 bits: Zay: "French" 54 bits: NurseMegz: "OH MY GOD" 55 bits: MYERS STUN NOISE (LOUD) 56 bits: Zay: "INSPIRATIONAL speech" 57 bits: Zay: "RAGE" 58 bits: NurseMegz: "Singing" 59 bits: THE Burger King song 75 bits: Fake hatch sound 80 bits: Stranger Things theme
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Donate here! (If you want)
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