Profile banner for shelabobby



shelabobby streams Dungeons & Dragons.

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Hello lovely people <3 I am really bad at writing about myself so this section will be lacking. I do not have a set schedule as I am a human that gets busy. I stream very randomly. RULES! 1) KEEP IT KIND! The main rule in chat is to be kind. Lets spread kindness and keep the hate out of chat. Thanks :D 2) GENERAL CHAT RULES: Ask before posting links. Listen to the mods, I have them because they speak for me when I am playing. English only (because otherwise I cant reply to you ;) ) These are some AMAZING people who encouraged me to stream or helped me set up the stream in so many ways. From bot & OBS set up to testing and being here for my first streams. They are the best and I love their faces <3 [Rezzi7]( [SirenSirius]( [Akuheikumori (Liz)](
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