Profile banner for shelter_42



Streaming Pokémon Scarlet/Violet with 10 viewers

Welcome to Shelter 42 I'm Lunayour gracious host. Please make yourself at home and stay a while, you might just enjoy yourself.

I don' thave anything clever to put here besides being a life saver for the assets. As well for some overlay stuff, figured I might as well scrape some professionalism back.
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Welcome to the Channel for Shelter_42! We're an open and loving community. A few things to note and pay attention to: 1: Your free to express whatever. We're also free to call you out if you are being a complete idiot. We like to call this "accountability." 2: We're working towards Discord partnership. It means that you need to keep your freaky deeky from peeky peeky. We have other Discords for the adult, take it there please. NO NSFW. 3: We talk about all sorts of crap in here, and the rule is to keep it civil. Differences make us stronger. Don't be the dingus that lets differences scare you or tear you apart. 4: If an admin has to correct you we will. It's a correction. Don't try and play victim. 5: We are a community, try and strive to work together and support one another.
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Hey Everyone! Welcome to Divine Media Corp. I'm Ayre your gracious host and I'm a silly Succubus on the internet. It's my pleasure to guide you through hilarious gaming moments and hunt with a lovely community. Want to catch me after stream? Well you're in luck and you'll be able to tweet at me or follow my silliness there! The artists who got everything moving are the lovely OvOwls. did the icons/channel art.. is currently in the process of getting an Overlay sorted!
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Discord Invite is down.
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Current PC: Ryzen 9 3900X RTX 2080 TI XPC 16gb DDR 4 3200 CL 14 Ram 1TB NVME SSD 1TB Samsung Sata SSD