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Streaming Fortnite with 1 viewer

Howdy! Nothing too special here! Just your average casual gamer! Widow, living in mid America, playing whatever really. Can never think what to play anymore. So many games. Usually can find me with my friends! Just living for sure. No set schedule! Maybe one day, usually find me @ Night!

Rest in Peace. Chelsey Ann Cheek. 7/25/1994 - 4/22/2022

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2016-2022. Twitch was where Chelsey and I met true family. Even till the very end she was very loved by all, from afar and near. Chelsey Cheek was born with epilepsy, had major brain surgery on her 6th birthday. Lived through hell up to 2014 when she was finally free. Went everywhere from CO, to MA, to MI, to MN. Everywhere. She truly lived. In the end, the Spells she was suffering, also caused her body to suffer. Resulting in pain, weight loss, stress. 3/24/2022. Chelsey slipped in to a series of Spells, ultimately never recovering. Making the Walk of Honor 4/22/2022. I carry on her will helping all those that helped her, having fun, and just straight giving a fuck. Bless you my wife. I love you.

Away? Check out my friends!

These folks are true family for sure! Always playing something different! Always a fun chill time! Checkem out!

Older Videos Are Not Saved.

I strongly disagree with how we are limited to what music can be played while having fun! So! All VODS etc, are never saved! We're going to listen to as much Baby Shark as we darn please!! Do do do do do effin do! Experience everything in the moment!

Trying to make some dreams come true. If you feel like helping. Please click the sign to donate!

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I wanna leave, and travel so far. Find someplace to really call my own. Where my family, and friends could also call safe.


Right now. I have none. When I do, its for hours unless I'm needed, or need to do something. Its constricting to me. When you're here, we're gonna have fun!