Profile banner for sherespawns



It's okay, Ive never heard of me either. FPS lover! Noob! Here, you can join me playing games like Call of Duty, House Flipper, Overwatch, The Sims and just general nuttyness.

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Completely unnecessary, but if you would like to help my stream..... Love you long time.
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Thanks for being here. Below are some values that we would love you to get on board with. - We have respect for each other - We value inclusion and diversity - We have respect for the differences and dignity of others - We aren't shit people - We don't accept racism, sexism and bullying - We expect everyone to have fun - Lurking is more than welcome
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HEY! I'm SheRespawns. So happy you joined us! I'm an Australian affiliate streamer who likes yelling at my camera. Life is too short to be serious all the time and this stream is a fun outlet for me to meet people and make a bunch of mistakes (eg. I streamed for over and hour accidentally while sitting in my pjs sick with the flu - exciting content) I hope you enjoy yourself. I encourage you to have a chat and get involved where you feel comfortable. This is a safe space and I LOVE YOU!
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###Watch to earn Thingys! "But, what can I do with my Thingys?" you ask? Spend Thingys on stuff like: Making sure I'm hydrated! Change the name of my stream Activate the Coaster Flip Challenge And more stuff as I think of it Click at the bottom of the chat panel