Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho sherrrainbow

27 người theo dõi


Lev, Russian 22yo photographer wannabe, language nerd wannabe and aficionado of all things cold

#📜Яulеs > + don't be an asshole > + no spoilers #🌈Соммапds ###🎲!d4 **|** !d6 **|** !d8 **|** !d10 **|** !d12 **|** !d20 **|** !d100🎲 **!coinflip** - good ol' coin will always help you in your decisions and disputes **!followage** - your follow time - !follow - !following - !followtime **!time** - what time is it for me, my timezone vs different timezones **!emotes** or **!bttv** - how to see custom emotes