Profile banner for shirrey



Hi. welcome ! I am a void leviathan, it's She/her ! I'm French but I speak english on my streams ! I do whatever I wanna do, and it's mostly games but I sometimes dance !

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Welcome ! I am Shirrey, a void leviathan, but since it can be scary, I pretend to be a simple snake sometimes ! Also I'm french, but I do english streams to train my english ! I love to play games and especially RPG games, I'm also a big fan of testing out new games, and games I've never played, I also draw sometimes and I also love to dance, so if you are lucky, you might see me dance ~ I also love to do video games editing but thats for my youtube channel !
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Who made me ? - 2D model : Me - 2D Rig : Hyldegarde - 3D model : Shinra base modified by me scenes : - Starting soon : Shirrey / me - Bedroom : MyAnimatopia (Etsy) - just chat scene : me - chat widget : @KalaMisea_ - Internet scene : me - BRB scene : me - Ending scene : me - panels art : Shirrey / me emotes : me alerts : me my PC specs : PROCESSOR : AMD Ryzen 9 5950X MOTHERBOARD : Gigabyte X570 AORUS ULTRA GRAPHIC CARD : Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 Ti RAM : DDR4 Corsair Vengeance 32 Go 2666 MHz - CAS 16 POWER SUPPLY : Corsair HX850i, 850W my VR setup : - Headset : Valve index - Camera : Valve index - controllers : Valve index - trackers : HTC Vive 3.0 my art tablet : - Cintiq 22 What do I stream ? : - Dancing in VRChat - random games in VRChat - RPGs - a lot of random games too sometimes !
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All social links : - Twitter : - TikTok : - youtube : - funny videos : - Discord :
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what I will do with it : - make streaming my full time job ! - Buy more things to make stream fun for viewers usually - get a streamdeck - get a 3D version of my 2D model ! - more.. - Disclaimer : (this is to protect me from scammers ! ) DO NOT donate with the intention of cancelling or otherwise attempting to file a chargeback. This is considered fraud in most jurisdiction and may carry civil or criminal penalties. By submitting your donation you agree to the following terms : This donation is legitimate. you are the account holder and / or legally entitled to make a donation on behalf of the account holder. you will not submit a claim or attempt to file a chargeback on the donation. This donation is fully your decision and no offers or guarantees were made by me to solicit your money.