Profile banner for shrimptail29



Just your friendly neighborhood shrimp. Don't be an asshole.

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Hello there, my name is Jonathan but most of my friends just call me Shrimp now a days. I'm 26 and currently live in Louisiana. I've got an amazing wife and three kids so I mainly stream in the evenings US central time. I've mostly been playing Rouge Company. I also play plenty of other games including MTGA, Dark Souls series, and other single player games that may not be as big on twitch currently. I want to try and build a community where everyone feels welcome and can enjoy themselves freely. All I ask is that you treat everyone with the respect you would like to be treated with and above all don't be an asshole.
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Any donation to me goes straight to making this channel better and ensuring that I can continue to entertain as well as do something I love to do. No one is obligated or pressured to donate money to a guy on the internet at any time. I appreciate anyone more than they know for donating to me so I can keep up the content!
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If im not streaming you can check out my content on Youtube for playthrough's and guides for games im playing or enjoy to play. There will be more single player focused content on the channel compared to Twitch but i will post videos for anything im currently invested in.
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Be respectful and kind to each other Joking fun is fine as long as no one gets butt hurt No Politics No talking about other streamers No controversial topics Don't be an asshole in general Were all here for fun and video games- Enjoy!